Make authentic Shan Sindhi Biryani Masala dishes with a few simple ingredients and Shan Biryani Masala. A recipe is provided on the box, and a prepared dish will serve 6-8 persons. One of our Best-Sellers!
This pre-mixed spice mixture is used to make Tandoori style barbeque chicken. It contains red chilli, black pepper, brown cardamom, cumin, garlic, cinnamon and other spices. Chicken marinated in Tandoori masala achieves an unrivaled succulence and flavor. Recipe provided on box.
A recipe is provided on the box, and a prepared dish will serve 6-8 persons. One of our Best-Sellers! Shan Foods (Pvt) Ltd. knows that sub-continental cuisine is a very delicate art. Ever since they debuted the spice mix to the sub-continental consumer in the 80s, their ingredients have been meticulously selected and blended to ensure the right combination for perfect results every time.