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Products tagged with 'fairness cream'

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Fair And Lovely Fairness Cream Advanced Multivitamin 100 gm

Fair & Lovely Advanced Multi Vitamin Face Cream is a product that will not only improve your complexion but also make your skin nourished. This product is also suitable for women who have oily skin.

Fair And Lovely Fairness Cream Advanced Multivitamin 50 gm

This Fair & Lovely Advanced Multi Vitamin Cream is perfect for all skin types. Enriched with Vitamin B3, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin B6, the cream gives you instant fairness and glow and is very safe to use.

Fair And Lovely Fairness Cream Advanced Multivitamin 80 gm

This Fair & Lovely Advanced Multi Vitamin Cream is perfect for all skin types. Enriched with Vitamin B3, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin B6, the cream gives you instant fairness and glow and is very safe to use.

Fair And Lovely Fairness Cream Ayurvedic Care 50 gm

Look fairer and younger with this Fair & Lovely Ayurvedic Care Cream. This is an expert fairness cream ideal for sensitive cream.

Fair And Lovely Fairness Cream Winter 50 gm

Cold Winters make your skin dry and stretchy. So in search of extra moisturization you tend to give up on your fairness cream and end up compromising on your Fairness.

Men's Fair And Lovely Face Cream Rapid Action 25 gm

This Fair and Lovely men max fairness cream is the perfect addition to a man’s skincare routine. Enriched with essential ingredients, the cream protects the facial skin from harsh weather conditions and makes your skin feel soft and well cared for.